Great service experiences don’t just happen. They happen by design.
We can help you to make your service experience your competitive advantage and to deliver it in the most efficient way possible.
As technology becomes more innovative with people accessing services from almost anywhere in the world, customer expectations have never been higher.
The challenge for organizations is meeting those expectations and standing out from your competitors. Customers interact with different channels, touchpoints, people and information over time. Ensuring that all of these interactions complement one another and meet the needs of people is extremely difficult.
This is where service design can help.
What does Tesani do?
We work with clients to discover insights, challenges and opportunities of current or future service offerings from the perspective of the customer. We work with you to design integrated brand and service experiences across channels and the activities that take place behind-the-scenes. Whether your customer is internal or external, we work closely with your team to provide solutions that fit your business and the needs of your service user. This process includes:
We utilize design research to focus on what your customer needs. An experience is driven by human emotion so this phase focuses on understanding what your customers value, but also what pain points they may be currently experiencing.
Examples of methods:
- Customer interviews
- Service intercepts
- Journey mapping
- Service safaris
A business problem or new opportunity isn’t always obvious on the surface. Using insights from the Discover phase, we are able better to define the business challenge to ensure we are working towards a result that will provide the greatest impact to the business.
Examples of methods:
- Business model canvas
- Personas
- Problem statements
- Empathy Mapping
Once the opportunity or problem has been clearly defined, we facilitate a variety of activities that drive ideation and innovation for solutions that address the defined problem or opportunity. This is where we support the creative process to bring new ideas to life.
Examples of methods:
- Design sprints
- Storyboarding
- Affinity mapping
Finally, to ensure that we’ve interpreted insights and the problem definition into a valued and useful solution, we take the time to quickly develop and test conceptual prototypes with customers and users to ensure it will serve their needs before we move to what could be an expensive and time-consuming development and implementation.
Examples of prototypes:
- Digital prototypes
- Physical space prototypes
- Forms prototyping
- Visual storyboards
Every organization is unique. Tesani will work with you to understand your environment, challenges and opportunities by utilizing our years of experience and a variety of methods and techniques to design a service experience that meets the needs of your customers and exceeds their expectations.